Title of the workshop: Alternative fuels and vehicles – different aspects on current and future policy instruments
Location: Uddevalla, Bohusgården Conference Center
Organisers: Chalmers University of Technology
11:00 Register
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Introduction - Maria Grahn, Chalmers
12:45 Preliminary resultats from Alter-Motive -Maria Grahn, Chalmers
13:45 User-friendly web-based tool for stakeholders to find suggestions for policy instruments - Ingo Bunzeck, ECN, The Netherlands
14:15 Instructions for the discussion part of the workshop
14:30 Small group discussions
Brainstorm around all policy instruments that have been tested in Sweden/EU. Listing them and comment on their advantages and disadvantages.
15:30 Coffee
16:00 Questionnaire, WP5
Choose two successful policy instruments, and answer some detail questions on them. Also mention and comment what in your opinion is the least successful policy instrument.
16:15 Small group discussions
Brainstorm around suggestions for future policy instruments. List arguments.
17:15 – 18:15 Full group discussion
Summary of results and conclusion from today’s activities.
19:00 Dinner